three year old height and weight

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What Foods Will Add Weight for My Child?

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

My 1-year-old son is very low on the charts for his weight and always has been. He eats like a horse, is very active, and has had many tests performed to be sure ther...


Need Advice on Weight Loss Motivation

N.M. asks from New York

Hi Ladies, I'm not even sure why I am writing... maybe to have someone to tell my troubles to, but mostly to see if any of you out there have ever been in my shoes a...


Can't Loose Baby Weight and I Breastfeed - ALOT

L.D. asks from Dallas

I feel so discouraged! My baby turned one last week, and I cant loose my baby weight. I breastfed exclusively, and pumped at work. I produced TONS of milk but was rav...


Weight Loss After 4. HELP PLEASE!

C.K. asks from Washington DC

I am looking for a book or site I can use as a reference for great diet foods. I'm 28 (almost 29) and the mom of 3 boys and 1 girl ages 7, 5, 2, 7 months. I'm 5'almos...


Seeking Advice About Weight Gain Problem

A.L. asks from Spokane

Hi moms, my daughter is 9.5 months old. She has a very poor weight gain since 4 months. She would gain only 1.5 ounces every week. She was 6.8 lbs at birth and is 14....


How to Loss Baby Weight and Get Rid on Breakouts!

A.U. asks from Bellingham

Well I had m so Eddie Jr almost 2 years ago and I am still aboout25 lb over my normal weight, its really getting to me know and i keep trying stuff and i doesnt work ...


Trying to Loose weight...what Is the Best Way?

N.R. asks from Dallas

Well I'm only 23, 2 children, and I'm overweight. I'm still in my maternity clothes and my baby is 4 months old. I feel like I"m getting no where and I used to be a...


Overweight Baby and Not So Baby

S.C. asks from Detroit

Need some advice..I have people all around me but no-one that holds me accountable for what I do/eat... I need that someone and some good ideas on how to live a bette...


3 Wk Old Slow Weight Gain (Caught in Breast/formula Conundrum)

C.L. asks from Dallas

*Long request My 3 week old daughter was born at 7.11 and with weight checks every 4 days or so has lost weight (normal, I know) to 6.14 and then gained (7.2) then...


Baby Weight Gain and Something Else...

K.C. asks from Dallas

Okay...please forgive my ignorance...I'm a first time mom and I'd ask my sister, but she likes to exagerate everything and scare me. My two questions are: 1) My son ...

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