three year old height and weight

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Need Advice on Seating Three Children in Small Car

S. asks from Minneapolis

My schedule at work changed and I can't pick up my kids from daycare anymore. My husband has a Mitsubishi Lancer that doesn't fit three kids in car seats in the back....


Concerned About Weight Gain in My 9 Month Old

J.H. asks from Dubuque

Today Ashton had his nine month check up overall the dr. says he is healthy but the dr. is concerned with his weight. He is 29 in long (75%) and only 16 pounds and 6o...


Concerns About 2 Year Old Boys Weight and Size

B.R. asks from Detroit

My grandma sort of upset me today talking about my 2 year old son. She said that he was pitiful which I did not like at all. She and my mom kept him today while I w...


Five Month Old Can't Bear Weight or Straighten Spine When Sitting.

K.F. asks from Minneapolis

My son was born 4 weeks early and is now a little over five months old. I feel worried because he has trouble supporting his head, can't bear weight on his legs and h...


Concern About Slow Weight Gain for 9 Month Old Daughter

L.C. asks from San Francisco

Hi everyone, I am a little concerned about my 9 month old daughter's slow weight gain. Yesterday we had her 9 month checkup and her weight was "only" 16 lbs. 12oz,...


Healthy Way for Underweight Son to Gain Weight

J.B. asks from Indianapolis

I know this sounds crazy but my son needs to gain weight! In a world where most people, including myself needs to lose weight my son really needs to pack on some poun...


My Five Year Old Is Little!

R.M. asks from Sacramento

I have a beautiful, smart boy that just turned five in April. We were at the store the other day and there was a little boy there that was exactically the same size b...


Need Ideas to Help Son Gain Some Weight

A.B. asks from Tulsa

Good Morning Moms, My 10 year old son was put on Focalin for ADD the medication had worked wonders, He made A Honor roll and he is just all around a happier kid. H...


5 Month Old Losing Ground on Weight - Breastfed. Ideas?

M.H. asks from Denver

Hello, I have a 5 month old boy who was weighing in the 50-60th percentile during our well visits until the 4 month mark, when he feel to the 30th percentile. Our b...


Birth Control Pills and Weight!!

K.H. asks from Denver

Hi moms! I have been trying to lose weight for about the last 6 weeks or so, but with very minimal results. I have been working our between 30 and 60 minutes 6 days...

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