I will try to keep this brief, but it probably won’t end up that way :) (nope, it’s extremely long, sorry)
After 15 years together, married in Oct. '06, twins...
Ok-- I could write a book here so I'll be as brief as possible. My husband (almost 32) was born with a heart defect. He had his arortic valve and arch replaced abou...
My son is 2.5 years old. Of course he has become stubborn and throws tantrums , but it's not been terrible.I ignore and he forgets and moves on. Or I give in (sometim...
Hi, I have a beautiful 16 year old daughter who has been through many bouts of depression including self injuring and explosive anger. Please don't stop reading - my...
My daughter is in kindergarten this year. She attends public school, much against what my husband would like. He would like me to homeschool, but after doing that for...
I just found out my mother is dying. Despite our checkered relationship, I am devastated. I can't stop crying. I realize that the thing about losing the parent w...
My son is 4 weeks old and in order for him to sleep more than a hour he has to feel me next to him. I place him in the boppy next to me in bed if Im real tired or I w...
I went to the doc this week, took a depression questioneer and scored a high 29, 10 and under proves you are not depressed, anything above proves your are. I had bloo...
Ok hi moms, so i been having these strange things going on with my body...First i'll start with the monthly its been different after i had my daughter but not to much...
I had my son almost 2 years ago and to this day I have discomfort (sometimes pain) during intercourse. Therefore I avoid sex with my husband because I do not enjoy i...