You say this has been going on for two months. If you've been pregnant for two months it is highly likely that an in-home pregnancy test would be positive since it 'turns positive' because of the hcg in your blood. The hcg is also the pregnancy hormone that causes a lot of the craving/nausea symptoms you're describing. At two months, the amount of hcg should be sufficient enough for a home test to appear positive. Stranger things have happened though, and since you're going to the doctor on the 10th you should ask for a blood test to rule it out completely.
Are you actively trying to get pregnant? Are you wanting another baby? Sometimes, your mind can play some pretty serious psychosomatic tricks on you - in other words, the mind becomes preoccupied with becoming pregnant so you become super sensitive to any indicator that a pregnancy exists.
If you go to the doctor and find out you're pregnant, congratulations! If you go to the doctor and the testing is negative, then make sure you describe everything that's going on with your health. These symptoms could definitely be an indicator of some sort of hormonal/endocrine issue. Either way, something's going on that deserves a closer look.