plan a dinner

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Results 71-80 from 14,035 articles

Skipping Birthday Dinner

K.G. asks from Fort Myers

One of my siblings had a birthday coming up. Everyone is meeting for dinner at a pricey restaurant. (The 3 of us could eat at a restaurant like Applebees 3 times for ...


Walt Disney World Dining Plan

K.C. asks from San Antonio

I was wondering if any of you have used the Walt Disney World Deluxe Dining Plan. We are going next month and this is the first time I have purchased our meals befor...


Need Help with a Meal Plan for the Week.

J.A. asks from San Francisco

I'm a working mom who needs fairly simple meals that my husband, 21 month old and myself, a 27-week preggo. I don't have tons of energy, and here's what I'm looking ...


When You Went to Disney Did You Use the Dining Plan?

B.L. asks from Dallas

Hello mommies! Hope you are all having a wonderful day! :0) I was wondering if you chose to use the Disney Dining plan when you went to Disney World? What did...


Dinner Time Troubles

J.P. asks from Dayton

I would like to get some advice on how to make dinner time more pleasant. Let me start by saying we don't foce our kids to eat or negotiate the number of bites they n...


Fun Halloween Dinner

K.L. asks from Savannah

I was thinking of making a fun Halloween dinner for my family, which includes an almost 2 year old with a milk protein allergy. Any ideas? Even if they are not milk...


Dinner Fail... Fail... JFF :)

R.. asks from Chattanooga

I saw the title for the other 'dinner fail' post, and was thinking of ways I screwed up dinner before... But that wasn't what the question was so now I am curious to ...


Would You Cater to Christmas Dinner Demands?

K.O. asks from Atlanta

My parents are coming to Christmas dinner this year. Upon telling me this, my father stated "and I therefore expect to be fed a proper meal. A proper meal would con...


Dinner Recipes Needed for Vacation

M.A. asks from Washington DC

Hi. We are going on vacation with two other families in the outberbanks and am looking for dinner recipes that will feed 6 adults and six kids. I have the basics al...


Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes

L.A. asks from Minneapolis

Let me preface this by saying that I really dislike (okay, hate!) cooking! I have a few tried and true meals that are staples in my home, but I'd like to add some mo...

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