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Results 81-90 from 106 articles

How Much Do You Spend on Christmas Gifts?

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 5 and I've been buying gifts throughout the year for Christmas and the total is around $200 which seems ridiculously high to me. His big gift is a bike whi...


JFF: Real Life Vs. What You Pictured

J.B. asks from Boston

My house is going on the market this week and we be moving to a rental, which will most likely mean a decrease in storage space. To prep for showing and our move, I'v...


I'm SO Done with Doing Everything Myself!!

A.F. asks from Salt Lake City

How do I get my kids (and hubby) to be more involved in housework and chores? My husband is pretty helpful at times, but sometimes just doesn't know what to do, or r...


Is There a Room Cleaning Disability?

J.C. asks from Roanoke

My 6 year old is messy. Her room is a mess. I have tried for years to get her to clean it - tried all different tactics. I have cleaned it for her and labeled plac...


How Do I Help My 6 Year Old Remember Daily Tasks?

A.K. asks from Seattle

I have a six year old son who started kindergarten this year. I realize that there is a lot to remember in school, and that he is only six, but it seems that things a...


Staying Home W/ a Baby and a 4 Yo?

L.N. asks from Fort Myers

Does anyone have any experience with this? My husband and I have a 3 yo son and are thinking it's time to start trying for another. Of course, by the time #2 is born ...


Activity Suggestions for 2 & 1/2 Year Old

L.K. asks from Kansas City

I have a very active little boy who like a lot of kids has been cooped up thru much of the winter. he has serious cabin-fever and I know that is part of his proble...


Help! My 2 Year Old Is Destroying Our Home

L.S. asks from Phoenix

My 2 year old son has now drawn on all of our walls. He has done it with crayon, pencil and now dry erase marker which I tried painting over with no success. He also...


Feeling Really Down

E.J. asks from Hartford

I am 25 year old mom to a wonderful 10 month old baby boy. He is healthy, happy, and so much fun. I have a lot of wonderful blessings in my life but I also have a lot...


Keeping a Girls Room Clean

K.C. asks from Grand Junction

Oh good grief!!! I have two girls that share a room 6 and 7 years old. I can not for the life of me keep there room clean. I clean there room one day and the next it ...

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