I am 34 years old and we are pregnant with our first child (only about 5-6 wks. along right now). I have been prescribed hydrocodone for a couple of years (prescribe...
I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby girl number 3. In my previous 2 pregnancies my girls were VERY active. This pregnancy has been completely different. After having hyp...
For the last three days I've had some reoccuring stomach pains. They last for about 30 seconds each and happen once almost every hour. They almost feel like an intens...
Hello everyone, I was wondering if some of you could answer my questions. I am 32 weeks along and I had a 3D ultra sound done a little after my 26 week. After my 3D u...
i am 25 weeks and my doctor recently told me she thinks i have too much amniotic fluid. so now i have been refered to a specialist, but until i see him i'd like some ...
Worry wart back again! I'm 39 weeks and I can't tell if my babies movements are less than what they have been or tend to be. I'm definately feeling him/her move daily...
I am almost 29 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and within the past few days I've been feeling like I really don't feel that baby move all that much. Or not really hit...
Hi my names B.. Im 19 and pregnant with my first baby. Im 17w 2d pregnanT. I go in for an ultrasound when im 18w 3d. Is it true if you drink ornge juice 30min before ...
Im 37 weeks pregnant with my second child and I have a great doctor who will allow me to try for a vbac but I have to go into labor on my own. He will not induce med...