I can't breastfeed on my left side because of a cracked nipple. I am trying to give it a day or two to rest. Can I just feed my son on one side and pump the other to ...
Hi all. I have a 7 month old little boy who has two bottom teeth that are 2 months old and no problem when nursing. He has two new top teeth that are scraping my aero...
My baby Ahlyssa is in the hospital but I want to breast feed so I am pumping. If you have pumped your breast you know the about the pain. I need some support from oth...
I've got a soothing balm and that helps with the pain but I never hurt like this with my older boy... he's even given me a blood blister. Sheesh. what to do moms?
I am currently in my 7th month of pregnancy. I read that breast shells can be worn for the reminder of my preg and that should help to "draw the nipple out". So far I...
O.k. so I have had a rough start with my third at breastfeeding (my first two failed miserably) you can read my questions history to get a better idea of what is goin...
my sister had her little boy last friday. BTW adorable. He had a beautiful full head of dark hear.
So on to the question, she is breastfeeding and it is sore. She...
Hello friends.At 29 and after 4 babies I am a 36B which I feel is tooooo small for my body. Ive always wished for bigger boobies.....and I'm really considering gettin...
Hi, my LMP was 2/10/11. I tested for HPT and it gave me a weak positive result. I occasionally feel abdominal cramps. Now I had a slight vaginal spotting. I tested fo...