My baby girl is exclusively breastfed and ever since Saturday she hasnt eaten much. She's 3 months old and she went from eating every 2 hours to not eating for 4-6 ho...
My grandson who is 10 1/2 yrs. old has stopped eating. He has never been a big eater but has lost interest in food and barely eats ANYTHING. He is on a med. that de...
My daughter is 13 months old tomorrow and I had a few questions on what she should be eating....
She is currently in daycare (until the end of the month, when I am d...
My daughter is nine weeks old today. A week ago, she was eating great and cat napping through out the day, and then sleeping through the night. She most of the time w...
Hi everyone,
I have two issues that I'm hoping to get some wisdom on.
1) I'm about 8 weeks pregnant with my second child. I have "morning" sickness from hell th...
I just recently started staying home with my two boys ages 4 and 2. They are pretty healthy, however we recently were hit with terrible colds and my 2 year old ended ...
Hi Moms,
I see a lot of moms asking for advice on how to get their children to eat more. My problem is that my son doesn't want to stop eating. He is 18 months and...
My little girl will be 13-months-old in a few days. Ever since we started on finger foods (at around 9 months or so), some has gotten thrown on the floor, of course....
My son is almost 3 months old and is on formula and only eats around 20 oz per day...nurse at doctors office said he s/b eating 30-32 oz per day. He sleeps from 9pm ...