I thought I would wean my breast/bottle fed since birth baby off of the breast completely by 12months. I wanted her to stop on her own. But, it has not happened. I...
Any other moms out there who have toddlers and are still breastfeeding? My son will be 3 in a few weeks and I think I am the only one on the planet still breastfeedin...
Ok so my daughter is 19 months .. A breast fed baby.. well i should say is currently still breastfeeding.. My daughter refuses to give it up all together.. She is goo...
My son just turned 1 in March, but he still breastfeeds. Up until he was 6mos. old he ate fine, slept all thru the night in his own crib. I made the mistake of lettin...
I have a 20 month old son who has never taken a bottle, breast only. I'm trying to wean him now but it is impossible. He has named my breasts and just whips them ou...
Hi, my son is two years old and he has never taken a bottle or pacifer; nor has he ever slept in his crib -- nestled between me and hubby was very nurturing; an we al...
I am a soon to be mom and I am overwhelmed by the books on both the first year of the baby's life and on sleep. Can you please suggust the onces you find the most he...
Help! I have stoped breastfeeding my son and my breasts are completly engorged! It has been about 72 hours now without me pumping or feeding and I feel like my boobs ...
I want to thank you all for the great advice you've given! I have one more question I could desperately use some help on.
My DS is 10.5 months old and has been br...
I was wondering what you would consider a normal routine for a 14-month-old. I don't have any friends with babies, so I don't really have much to compare my son's sch...