My 2-year-old grandson has lost 3 teeth in the last 6 months. He fell twice, hit himself in the mouth with a plastic bat once, and though his mouth wasn't bruised or ...
I am 12 weeks pregnant and at 5'4" started my current pregnancy at 217 pounds, definitely overweight due to inability to lose weight after my first pregnancy weight g...
I don't know where to look for help. I'm 39. Had been on birth control pills for a couple of years to help with PMS symptoms. My migraines had gotten much worse an...
Just wondering, did your doctor take you out of work prior to your due date? If so, why?
With my first pregnancy, I worked full time until one week before my du...
Hello moms! I have a question about a daycare fee I received the other day. Please bear with me because I'm still trying to understand how this works so I may be a l...
Ok I just had breast reduction surgery 2 wks ago tmrw, so working out is difficult. I have always been overwieght but had to add on a little extra to be able to quali...
My daughter is in a integrated co teach 3rd grade class at a typical class. She has a speech and language disorder, and a learning disorder. She is a cute, petite gir...
Let me be clear, by losing it I mean my temper, I hope it goes without saying that I'm not talking about raging or beating my children. So in those peramiters, I'm j...
So I basically know I'm going to lose my job in 90 days. My manager told me. I'm thankful for the opportunity to have the position I've been in and I've had a good ru...
I am seeking any information about stress related hair loss. I have been dealing with alot of stress and began losing my hair and it is really freaking me out the Dr ...