Hi everyone, I know this sounds stupid, but when I was pregnant with my daughter I was 7 weeks pregnant and I got to see her when I did the vaginal ultrasound. But s...
hello! I went in today for my ultrasound. I was told I was 6 weeks but there was no heart beat and all they could see was the sac and a small dot in it. I went right...
I'm 17 weeks pregnant and had my second ultrasound yesterday. (ITS A BOY!)During the ultrasound they found that the baby had a thickining in the heart and the umbilic...
This is my third time being pregnant. My first two pregnancies I didn't have any problems. Going by my LMP I should be about 9 weeks along but I had a ultrasound a fe...
I'm pregnant with my second child and just had my 20 week ultrasound. My first child (18 mos. old) is a beautiful, happy, wonderful boy who I'm totally in love with. ...
Hello to you all out there. I am writing to see if anyone else is in my shoes or has been in my place. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter - my getting pregnant and my...
This is my 5th pregnancy (4th live baby, one tubal) I have been having severe cramping from the begining. At 5 weeks along I had an ultrasound and they found that the...
So I went to the doctor and she did an internal ultrasound and the baby is where he/she is supposed to be and doing great I might add. When she checked my ovary on th...
So I went to the doctor today and had my first exam done since finding out I was pregnant on Sunday. I had been spotting the days before. It was very light a minimum ...
As some of you might remember I posted a question about my pregnant sister (and alcohol). Well she went for her first "real visit" today and they couldnt find a heart...