My 6-year old daughter needs a new bike for the summer. I am just wondering at what age your children learned to ride without training wheels. My hubby and I think ou...
My 17 yr. old step-son's behavior is as though he should have all the same priveledges as the adults in the house. He can come and go as he pleases, eat whatever, whe...
Hello all. I have a modern-family question. My ex and I were together for 19 years, since we were 15, and separated due to irreconcilable differences in Aug '08. We a...
We went trick or treating with our 8 yr old son last night. We went with our neighbors as their son is our sons best friend. Their other sons went and they are 13 an...
WE can't afford health insurance with maternity coverage, but we really want to start trying to have another baby. Has anyone done it without maternity coverage? What...
My husband and I are thinking about moving. We are originally from ny and have been living in az for 10 years. All of our family (except my mother in law) lives in ...
I would like to know who I can get help on advising me how to get a divorce without paying expensive expense to a divorce attorney. Do I really need a divorce attorn...
My 21 year old highly functional autistic son has a girlfriend that he met online recently. They skype for hours on his laptop everyday. This isn't catfishing, becaus...
I am checking to see what age most people let they kids go places without them. My daughter is going in 7th grade, so I know we will be dealing with it. So far, we ha...
We have just bought a home with an in-ground pool and I'm wondering about pool safety. My kids are 12, 10, and 8. When is it acceptable to let them swim without any...