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Results 81-90 from 72,166 articles

High Quality Prenatals

N.N. asks from Chicago

I am looking for suggestions on the high quality prenatal vitamins available these days. I like to shop at Whole Foods and other organic stores but there are so many ...


High School Grad Party

M.A. asks from Chicago

I know this is early, but I have started thinking about what to do for my daughter who will graduate high school this May. She wants to do something somewhat small w...


Monster High Opinion

S.H. asks from Salinas

I noticed a conservative friend allows her 3 year old to have a monster high backpack. I thought these dolls were for older kids and a little, um, not conservative. I...


High Amniotic Fluid.. Should I Be Freaking Out?!

M.M. asks from Lake Charles

So my last 2 appointments (the last 2 weeks) my amniotic fluid has been high.. It was at 26, then 24, then 28. They are rechecking me for gestational diabetes to make...


High Prolactin Levels = Pregnancy?

A.J. asks from San Diego

In the Fall of 2007, my husband and I decided we were ready to conceive. I became pregnant right away, but suffered a miscarraige at 5 weeks. I knew I had high prol...


Carrying "High" vs "Low"

P.N. asks from Denver

I'm pregnant with my 5th, and this time am carrying VERY high. We don't know the sex, and I am in the same physical shape with this pregnancy as the others, meaning, ...


In a Quandry About High Schools

D.A. asks from Dallas

The more research I do, the more I'm confused. My husband and I are considering moving, but staying the Dallas area. The reason we are moving is to get into a good ...


High School Cheerleading

D.D. asks from Chicago

My daughter decided to try out for the HS cheer team and made it. At the beginning, we were given a list of what was expected....along with the costs. They told us ...


Dilemma on Best High Chair

V.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, I have been searching for the best high chair for several days already, and the more I research, the more confused I become. I read that the best high chair...


High School Graduation/Sports

M.P. asks from St. Louis

My oldest child is a Senior in high school this year. She is very active in her high school cross country team and on her high school track team. She has gone to "s...

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Answer Highlights

  • fisher price space saver in 2 answers "i have a fisher price space saver high chair and i LOVE IT!!!!! i used it when my ..."
  • monster high dolls in 4 answers "Her daughters have Monster High dolls and have since they were around five."
  • worst case scenarios in 2 answers "... an actual pregnancy complication like pre-eclampsia. Worst case scenarios ..."
  • slutty vampire in 2 answers "i don't care for them, they look like slutty vampire-ettes to me."
  • body image issues in 2 answers "I'm sick of people blaming dolls for body image issues."