for girls only play

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Results 51-60 from 29,133 articles

Girls Hitting Boys

D.B. asks from Los Angeles

My son just started Kinder this year and today he came home with a note from his teacher saying he hit one of the little girls. When we picked him up from school, hi...


Question About Raising Girls

K.G. asks from Portland

We just found out that our new bundle of joy is going to be a little girl. We have one girl already who will be just shy of 3 when her sister is born. I have to adm...


Girls 11Th Birthday Sleepover

V.B. asks from Chicago

I am giving my daughter a sleepover for her 11th birthday party. I need ideas/suggestions for games/activities. Kinect and/or Wii will be played but I want something ...


Mean Girls on the Block

L.B. asks from Chicago

My daughter (age 7, will turn 8 next month) and I moved into a new neighborhood a few months ago. We didn;t meet very many neighbors over the winter, but now that it...


Dealing with Mean Girls

L.B. asks from St. Louis

My 10-year--old daughter goes to a very small school (there are only 30 kids in her grade). This past year her "friends" started exluding her. I noticed it at Girl Sc...


WOW! Why Are Girls So Whiney???

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My friend has two boys and they are so good together! My three girls always have drama and all they do is whine at eachother! It is really starting to drive me insane...


Drama with My Girls and Their Friends

K.L. asks from Washington DC

I have a very close friend who has 2 girls the same ages as my girls. The 2 youngest went to preschool together for 3 years. Now they're all in elementary school, bu...


13 Yr Olds!!! GIRLS

J.S. asks from Provo

My daughter is in the Middle school, I have a hard time deciding if she is depressed or not. She does not have many friends (so she says, but I feel as if she has MAN...


Help My Girls Wont Listen!

M.U. asks from Portland

My Girls age 4 and 6 1/2 refuse to clean there room. I have taken away TV rights and that didnt fase them. Im to my wits end. what else can I try. Ive tried rewards.


Advice on Setting up a Play Room for Older Girls

J.G. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas, i have 2 girls, ages 7 and 10. 2 years ago we moved to a new house and never set up a play area for them other than their rooms. Their rooms are jammed w...

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Answer Highlights

  • them to clean their rooms in 2 answers "When my kids were little I always tried to get them to clean their rooms then I was ..."
  • keep their room clean in 2 answers "Play house with the girls lets them show you how to keep their room clean, if that ..."
  • learn how to deal in 3 answers "It is better to learn how to deal with them now than later."
  • did the right thing in 4 answers "Hi K., I think you did the right thing."
  • clean your room in 3 answers "... that if u give them one thing to pick up its better than saying clean your room."