Currently, my husband and I pay $160/month for BASIC Comcast cable (no movie or upgraded channels), phone & high speed internet. We also pay $100/month to Verizon fo...
I am not fan of this new trend where people no longer talk to each other. I'm not even a fan of cell phones and kids!!! I think they should be kept in case of emergan...
i'm thinking of switching my phone service to comcast. has anyone had an experience with them regarding phone service and is it worth the switch?
My oldest daughter is entering Jr. High and I'm seeking advice from those who have gone through this transition with their own girls. First of all, it's not my inten...
My daughter is 11 yrs old and she CONSTANTLY loses things. It can range from everything from her snow boots to her cell phone. She is constantly leaving her lunchbo...
Am I rude for not texting? I have no texting plan on my phone. I actually have the most basic phone I could get, the free one that came with my plan. My husband and I...
To ask what my phone number was. Not even kidding. She was filling out some forms for my dad and putting me as an emergency contact and HPPA so she called me. The lad...
All I ask is a phone call.What about you do you like drop ins?I don't can't stand it I wouldn't do that to any of my family or friends with out a phone call,text,emai...
I have a 14 year old girl who I foolishly gave a cell phone to. The only reason I gave it to her was so that if I needed to reach her, I could. Her siblings who hav...
I'm a single mom without any reliable resources. My work schedule conflicts with the school schedule this year. My only option right now is to send my 11 yr. old girl...