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Results 61-70 from 574 articles

Siding Company Recommendations

B.S. asks from Kansas City

We are in need of new siding. We currently have wood siding that is rotting (it's been on since 1951). We had Continental come out for an estimate and they must've th...


How to Deal with Angry College Daughter When We Said We Won't Pay Your Rent If..

B.B. asks from San Francisco

We just informed our 20 year old daughter that if her new, first boyfriend/lover who is 33(!) moves from Northern California to be closer to her college in so cal tha...


Crazy Mortgage Madness - Followup

K.F. asks from New York

Back in July 2017 I asked if anyone ever heard of a mortgage commitment letter not being honored. It's been a long and slow process but the case was settled between u...


Olympic Parents - Financial Woes

T.M. asks from Tampa

Naturally, many stories are in the news regarding the parents of Olympic gold medalists. I saw a story the other day about Ryan Lochte's parents facing forclosure on...


What to Do with This Car?

N.G. asks from Dallas

I'm still paying on my 2004 Ford Explorer, got less than $3000 to go. It will be paid off before February of next year. We have bad credit so I financed it through ...


Best Friend, Baby Shower and IVF...

L.T. asks from Dallas

My best friend in the entire world has had a rough few years. Almost 3 years ago her husband was diagnosed with GBM (a rare, incurable type of brain cancer). He has...


What Do I Do Now???

T.R. asks from Dallas

My Ex-Husband and I have been Divorced a year now. We agreed that I would stay in the Neighborhood so that our Daughter can stay in our wonderful School District. I...


Looking for Very Inexpensive Vehicle for Family of 5. . .

M.H. asks from Tulsa

We had a van that worked very well as our family's mode of group transportation. The transmission went down (we could only drive speeds up to 40-45 mph) and just the...


College Finances and Non-custodial parents...terminate Parental Rights?

J.B. asks from Boston

Hi - I've started some preliminary research on this and have some basic info but would love your real-world experiences and opinions. My step-daugther and oldest son ...


Is This a Sign or What???

K.G. asks from Fort Wayne

We were transferred down to Indy for dh work, (his plant closed up in MI) we lost our home to forclouser bc of the move, we still have 1 more year before we can go an...

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Answer Highlights

  • custodial parents income in 2 answers "... or individual colleges are based singularly on the custodial parents income."
  • real estate attorney in 2 answers "Then get a contract written up by a real estate attorney so you are protected."
  • continue to pay her rent in 2 answers "... her that you were wrong and you are sorry and you will continue to pay her rent ..."
  • get financial aid in 2 answers "I think your kids will get financial aid for college and it won't be near this complicated."
  • 33 year old man in 2 answers "... ADDED - While it may seem crazy to you that she is dating a 33 year old man ..."