fibromyalgia symptoms

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Results 31-40 from 439 articles

Fibromyalgia and Planning a 2Nd Pregnancy

S.S. asks from Goldsboro

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in late July. It developed after the birth of my first child in February 2009. I am currently on 75 mg of amitryptaline per day, w...


Seeking Help with Fibromyalgia

H.K. asks from Louisville

Hi! I am 34 years old and have a sister 39 who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She lives in a small town in Aiken, South Carolina. She has been to every docto...


Skin Hurting? Fibromyalgia?

D.C. asks from Grand Junction

Soooo I have had this issue for as long as I can remember, but am finally going to try and figure out what is causing it. My skin, not muscles just skin will hurt. Al...


Any Suggestions for Childhood Fibromyalgia?

R.D. asks from Bakersfield

My 16-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (among other things like hyperactive nerves and overly flexible joints). She was told about 3 weeks ago....


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Turning in to Fibromyalgia

E.W. asks from Wheeling

I have had CFS for three years and it is very hard to cope with now my doctor is sending me to see someone else, He thinks it is turned into Fibromyalgia. If anyone c...


Need Advice: Should Having Fibromyalgia Affect My Decision to Become a Mom?

L.M. asks from Cincinnati

Hi Moms, I am curious how you deal with having Fibromyalgia and being a good mom. Can you share your stories/advice with me on how you juggle being a good mom and h...


Fibromyalgia Questions

J.P. asks from New York

If you are suffering from it or know someone who has it I want to know what are the symptoms they have. Lately I have been feeling dizzy,tired. my back has been hurti...


Seeking Advice And/or Support from Others with Fibromyalgia

D.A. asks from Rochester

I recently have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It has taken 2 years and a change of doctors to be finally diagnosed and not feel like I was just "crazy". While I ...


Symptoms of Menopause Onset?

T.R. asks from Milwaukee

Hi Moms! Looking for some personal experiences of menopause. I had a weird cycle this past month - 9 days late (took HPT @ day 6 to get the negative). So apparently t...


Fibromyalgia and Taking Time off Work?

S.O. asks from Lansing

Hello ladies, I just asked a questions yesterday on my fibro, I saw my doc and he said that he is referring me to a neurologist because of some neuro symptoms I have ...

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Answer Highlights

  • need meds for the rest of her life in 2 answers "So, she may not need meds for the rest of her life."
  • peri menopause in 3 answers "I had been going through peri-menopause for about 5 years by the time I went off the ..."
  • muscle relaxers in 3 answers "I went to see a doctir and he put me back on muscle relaxers."
  • hot flashes in 5 answers "I never had hot flashes until after I was finished with menopause according to blood ..."
  • palo alto in 2 answers "One is in SF and one in Palo Alto) My sister has been sick with neoropothy for ..."