fetal heart rate at 12 weeks

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Results 51-60 from 201 articles


S.C. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi, I am considering having my baby at home (he or she is due in Feb, thus I am 12 1/2 weeks along) and I was wondering if any of you have any advice. I have a frien...


Normal Ultrasound Timeline

L.B. asks from Denver

I am 14 weeks and had a very dissapointing visit to my doctor recently. I was told by a lot of people that I should get an ultrasound or at least hear the heartbeat a...


Interested in Hearing from Some Mamas About Their Birth Experiences!

B.E. asks from Dallas

I am a childbirth educator and I am calling for some feedback on your births. More specifically about your relationship with your MD and or Midwife regarding such th...


Premature Births

M.P. asks from Phoenix

Hi I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and in the early phase of premature labor. I have had a lot of bleeding/my mucus plus came out yesterday and I am having contr...


Induction vs Natural

B.W. asks from Salt Lake City

Hey everyone. I feel like I ask questions on here all the time! But you are all so fabulous about responding!! So here's my situation. I am exactly 38 weeks pregn...


Prepareing for Preterm Delivery?

D.G. asks from Jacksonville

At 29 weeks now, i've been dealing with preterm labor problems since saturday. I've been given 3 1/2 bags of fluids throug IVs, 4 shots of terbutaline, terbutaline p...


Seeking Moms with Same Experience with Quad Screening

A.B. asks from Cleveland

I am almost 5 months pregnant with my 3rd child and I had a quad screening done. I was never told it was optional so I went to my 3D ultrasound. The tech was great an...



C.G. asks from New York

i am 40 wks with #2. first one came smoothly on my due date a few years ago. my Md wants to induce on tues . in the end, decision is mine, as no medical complications...


Scared About Trying for a 3Rd Child

S.F. asks from Louisville

My husband and I have been debating lately on wether or not to try for a 3rd child. We both love our sons very much and they are the center of our lives, but we'd re...


Pregnancy & Genetic Testing

T.B. asks from Detroit

I will turn 36 at the end of the month & am 7 weeks pregnant. Since I am over 35, my doctor has asked me to consider if I want to have genetic testing done (i.e. CVS...

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