Hey! This stinks! I was really glad you went back to the hospital the other day ;)
Have you called in to let them know you are still having contractions? I was put on Procardia which is actually a heart med but it causes smooth muscles (like the uterus) to relax. It helped a lot. I still had some contractions from time to time but my limit was 5 in an hour. If I had 5 (or more) in an hour I had to call in. Have you been given any advice on that?
Have they given you steroids to help mature her lungs? If not that should be done asap. That made a huge difference with my 32 week wimpy white boy (that is what they call them in the NICU lol).
But I will tell you that little girls of color usually do the best. That is one thing I learned while my son was in the NI and talking to the nurses, doctors and staff. My son was down at the bottom of the totem pole lol and he did really well because I had been given steroids twice to help mature his lungs.
If she comes around this time be prepared that she will stay in the NICU for a while. She may be on a vent for a time. She may get an NG tube for feedings. She may be in an isolette for a time until she can maintain her own body temp. The biggest hurdles to getting her home will be breathing, being able to nurse or bottle feed (and I successfully breastfed my preemie. If you want to know how just message me :) ), maintaining her body temp, keeping her weight on an upward climb, being able to breathe, suck and swallow and keep her heart rate good while eating.
If you want to nurse her make sure they know to bring you a pump as soon as possible after she is born so you can start pumping. Pump every 3 hours just as if she were nursing. Pumping was one thing that made me feel less helpless. I felt like it was one thing that *I* could do for my son. Really one of the only things I could do for him. I was glad I did. They had to give him formula because I had to get a rubella vac and had to dump my milk for 2 weeks and his little tummy was so upset the whole time. Once he was back to my milk he was fine! If you do this get some steam clean bags to make clean up so much easier and faster!
It's very, very hard to go home and leave baby at the hospital. I cried and cried after I got home after I left my son. But going back and seeing him later that night helped and I went to see him everyday-usually twice a day till he got home. And the NICU staff was great about telling me that I could call anytime day or night to check on him. There was more than one 2 am phone call just to check on him I can tell you. But it made me feel better and I could get back to sleep checking in on him.
Make sure you can deliver in a hospital that has a good NICU. Those docs and nurses are amazing. They know their stuff and will take good care of your princess till she is ready to come home.
Message me if you have any other questions. Best to you Mom!