daily panties

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Results 21-30 from 701 articles

Reactions to Easy-Ups or Pull-Ups

N.B. asks from Houston

We are in the potty training phase. I recently just switched my daughter to pull ups and notice she broke out with a rash, so I switch to easy ups but noticed the ras...


Potty Training Mom Needs Encouragement

L.F. asks from Indianapolis

About 2 months ago my 2 year old daughter had shown an interest in the potty. She was taking off her diaper on her own, or wanting it off as soon as it was wet/dirty....


Nighttime Potty Training

A.R. asks from Stationed Overseas

My daughter is 2 yrs 8 months old. She has been fully potty trained during the day (panties, hardly any accidents) since she was 18 months. As far as her motor skil...


4 1/2 Year Old Constantly Having Accidents

G.O. asks from Denver

My 4 1/2 year old daughter, who had been completely potty trained, is now having accidents on a daily or even multiple times in one day basis. As a result she has be...


Should My Daughter Be Talking Better?

T.V. asks from New York

My mother asked me this question about two weeks ago, and it really made me wonder. I read forums about other children her age (she just turned 2 on 12/30) and I read...


Need to Find 'Sexy' Control Top Panty...

R.D. asks from Richmond

I'm trying to find those high waist brief underwear (I guess that's what they're called) that suck your stomach in. I need this to go under a 'full' bra, under my wed...


Potty Training

H.F. asks from Columbus

I am so afraid of pushing my daughter to toilet train before she is ready. I have put her big girl panties on and she is excited but she just seems to play with the t...


4 Y/o Won't Stop Soiling Herself!

J.S. asks from Denver

I have a 4 y/o daughter who was potty trained at the age of 2. Recently we have had constipation problems and had to give her colace and all kinds of stuff to make it...


3 Yr. Old Daughter Won't Poop on Potty

L.F. asks from Lakeland

My daughter who turned 3 in Jan. will still not poop on the potty. I'm not trying to rush her but it is causing complications - especially since she tends to get con...


5 Y/o with Chronic Yeast Infections

A.B. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I have a 5 y/o girl, fully potty trained day and night who gets regular yeast infections. She has always had very sensitive skin and gets them at least eve...

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