I'm trying to see what the norm is. My 5 year old spends A LOT of time on artwork, especially drawing, but cutting and pasting is a strong second. We save and reuse e...
My daughter and I went with a girlfriend of mine to visit another friend of ours whom I hadn't seen in a few years. She she has a daughter a few years younger than mi...
I know I can be a bit demanding when it comes to my children. I try to help the teachers and volunteer time. I talk to them about my child being advanced and ask them...
My first child is going to preschool this year. I have always been with her 24/7 since the day she was born. At the same time, I've just gone back to work in august o...
Please HELP! I feel like I have know one to talk to about this and I am not getting anywhere talking to family and friends. Sometimes after a long day of dealing w/...
In January I will have a baby girl. She will be my 3rd child. I have a son 13 and a daughter 11. I planned my first two because I wanted them to have a playmate/sibli...
I have 4 kids, and now have accepted the fact that I will no longer be working on the outside. We were already planning on homeschooling, unless I could find a job t...
unassissted or even movie. Please share what the toy is and how old your child is. Everything we have is getting old. I am composing wish lists for their birthdays an...
Do I have to claim the money I get for babysitting on my taxes? I have never had to do this before and I have a parent who wants my ss# for her taxes. Is this somethi...
My mom suggested giving my 7 month old cottage cheese as a snack, like putting a glob of it on his highchair and letting him try to eat it himself. She said I used to...