I should be between 7 and 8 wks pregnant. On July 16th I started light spotting brown mucus and some red blood with very mild cramping (not really even as strong as m...
My daughter is going in to her 5th month of her 2nd pregnancy. We went to ER tonight and they did ultrasound. We were told that she has a "puddle" of fluid around the...
Hi- I am currently on the Mirdea (sp) IUD. I love it, and have had it in for 3 1/2 years. The past month I have had crazy pregnancy symptoms: Tired, hot flashes, na...
I have had 2 miscarriages in a row and as you can imagine I have a one track baby mind. The Dr wants me to at least have one cycle after my D&C before starting to try...
On the 3rd of March I found out I was pregnant my lmp was February 9th they told me my hgc level was 10.0 on the following Monday I went to my primary doctor and she ...
I was just wanting some advice from someone who has been in the same situation or a similar one as I have experienced. I gave birth to identical twin boys on June 15...
My husband and I were thinking of taking a nice trip up to the mountains (7-8 hour car trip) when I will be around 2 mos preg. My mother is very concerned and angry ...
I am 9 weeks pregnant butvmy baby has no heartbeat.I hv. Problem of brown spots.
In June 2013. It happens to me when I was 8 weeks pregnant doc told me. That. My bab...
I went with my best friend to her OB visit today b/c she had bleeding. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years and went on fertility treatmen...
So, Two years ago I had a miscarrige. I was 21. I just found out I am pregnant. I was VERY excited. I went to get an ultrasound and they said my right ovary was abnor...