baby weeks

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How Much Weight Can I Shed 3 Weeks After Having My Baby?

A.G. asks from Pocatello

I just found out that my brother in law is getting married exactly 3 weeks after I will have baby #3 (I have to have c-sections for medical reasons so his wedding is ...


25 Weeks Pregnant and Measuring at 31 Weeks Pregnant

B.S. asks from Rocky Mount

anyone had that happen before? im getting an ultrasound in 4 weeks to re check the baby and maybe change the due date... today he measured my belly and was shocked a...


Measuring 5 Weeks Early!

J.W. asks from Columbus

Ok. I went to my OB/GYN today. I am 31 weeks preggo and measuring 36 weeks. I am huge. I told my doctor that there is no possible way I can carry this baby until ...


Could I Be Showing at 7 Weeks?

M.E. asks from New York

I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby and although I am only around 7 weeks, I feel like my belly & breast are looking pretty big. Is it common for a second pregnancy to get ...


7 Weeks Pregnant

L.F. asks from Los Angeles

I have read that its normal to have spotting in the first couple of weeks of pregnancy but is it normal to have some spotting at 7 weeks? I haven't had any spotting b...


Sex Determination at 16 Weeks?

P.C. asks from Portland

Hi there, I'm 16 weeks today and when I saw my doctor a week ago, she said she wanted to do an ultrasound soon, and that we should be able to tell the sex of the b...


I CAN Feel My Baby at 13 Weeks (Second Pregnancy)

T.L. asks from Minneapolis

I've felt the baby a few times within the last few weeks. I know my Doctor seemed a bit skeptical when I mentioned to him that I could've swore I felt the baby at eve...


Pelvic Pressure 23 Weeks

A.S. asks from Atlanta

Hi there, Today I have been feeling lots of pelvic pressure. It's really uncomfortable. This is my second baby and I'm at 23 weeks. The pressure feels about the equi...


41.5 Weeks and Counting...

H.V. asks from Las Vegas

I am now considered 41 weeks and 3 days pregnant by my doctor. They are REALLY pushing that I schedule an induction, however, I would rather things happen naturally. ...


Baby Going from Head down to Breech After 36 Weeks

J.N. asks from Houston

Just curious to see if anyone of you have experienced this. Last week I had an ultrasound done. My son was head down, in perfect position. This week, I go in and h...

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Answer Highlights

  • waiting and letting nature take its course in 2 answers "... lead to complications far more than waiting and letting nature take its course."
  • external version in 5 answers "I think Jen B is referring to a procedure called an external version."
  • congrats on your pregnancy in 2 answers "... you how much I showed by the time I delivered! Congrats on your pregnancy!"
  • amniotic fluid in 4 answers "Retaining water, weight, amniotic fluid level, position of the uterus, etc."
  • call your ob in 4 answers "I say, go to your son's school, but call your OB this morning and get an appointment ..."