autistic kids

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Autistic Son Starting to Feel More Sensations and Freaking Out Any Suggestions?

M.S. asks from Portland

Our sweet almost 3 year old little boy is Autistic and non-verbal. We have been doing the Qigong Massage with him to help him learn to feel and talk. Well, it used to...


My Husband Wants to Leave the Family Due to Our Son Being Autistic. Advice?

T.J. asks from Raleigh

My husband and I have been married for 10 yrs. We have a 5 y/o son who has high functioning autism. He’s a wonderful, bright child. When my husband and I decided...


Seeking Divorce Attorney with Experience with Autistic Child Custody-Denton Cnty

C.M. asks from Dallas

I just finished my temporary custody hearing for my 3 year old autistic daughter, the judge gave my soon-to-be ex more than expanded standard custody. This creates s...


Dentist for Autistic Teen?

M.D. asks from Phoenix

My friend is having a hard time finding a dentist that will work on her autistic son. He is 15 and 100 lbs and needs to be sedated, even for routine cleanings. Most...


Parent with a Non-verbal Autistic Child Who Can Relate to My Problems?

W.T. asks from Norfolk

Hi. I have a seven yr. old daughter who is SEVERELY Autistic, and still non-verbal. I am looking for another parent with a non verbal Autistic child who I can "chat" ...


8Yr Old Autistic Son Needs Help W/thumbsucking - Anyone Done the Appliance?

M.G. asks from Phoenix

Hi, I have an autistic son, who is very high functioning in many ways, even attends a regular private school with typical peers. He's made so much progress in so m...


Divorce, Autistic Child, Advice

P.B. asks from Wilmington

I have been dating a man with a really sweet child (now 15) who is profoundly autistic. He has been separated from his wife for five years and was separated from her ...


Assistance Programs or Pediatrician Referrals for 2 Yo with Non-autistic ASD

A.T. asks from Minneapolis

hi mamas, please help if you have any advice. my family is relocating to the north metro area from out of state. my 2 yo son was just evaluated for ASD and we were ...


Lonely Mom with Autistic Child Needs Friends

P.J. asks from Boston

looking for someone to talk with about abusive men.... and autistic children


Private Schools for ADHD & School Screenings for Autistic Spectrum Kids

D.L. asks from Dallas

Wow, where do I start with this question. First a little background. I have a 7 year old girl who was diagnosed with ADHD in December. She is now on meds that has hel...

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