What can be said about this situation?
26-year-old brother lives a few states a way and is fully supported by his parents (apartment, car, health insurance, spe...
So my 3.5 yo son has been sick for a week - fever is finally gone, but his nose is still running and he has a cough. He's on antibiotics for an ear infection and othe...
Recently I read about why tap water is better than bottled water, but I am not sure. I bought my drinking water from the 25 cents water vending machine. It taste norm...
We utilized "Cry It Out" for bedtime and nap times... my 8-month-old daughter sleeps well in the night now, but fights and tantrums for naps, even if she's dead tired...
My daughter is 26 and just was jilted by her boyfriend of 3 years, the past 9 months of which she was sharing apartment with him. She is very fragile emotionally and ...
My first question is: does anyone know up to what age before an infant/baby can start sleeping in a bed and you can use a playard for them to sleep in up until then?
I am not sure how to begin this, but I know that I need to get some help. I find myself getting angry with my 5 and 3 year old frequently and mostly for small, insign...
My 21 year old highly functional autistic son has a girlfriend that he met online recently. They skype for hours on his laptop everyday. This isn't catfishing, becaus...
We live in a home owned by my mother-in-law. She told my husband this house would be his inheritance when she passed (she is in good health)and he could live in it n...
My son is being referred to the rheumatic specialist and cardiologist. Started with a fever peaking at 103.6 and lasting about 3 days, then a cough, then a rash that...