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C.D. asks from Bellingham

My 6 month old has eczema. It's a constant batttle. As long as I remember to put lotion on her and bath her and cover her with vaseline she is fine, but if i forget a...


Chronic Sinus Infections & Sinus Surgery

F.F. asks from Chicago

I have had about 5 sinus infections since last October. I've been on too many meds to count & I'm a bit frustrated & fed up. Please bare with my story...Last October ...


Adhd/ADD Help

Z.P. asks from Los Angeles

Does anyone have a child with Adhd/ADD that has done Neurotherapy? Would love some feedback/info.


How Do I Make My White's WHITE Again?

K.R. asks from Houston

Hello everyone. Yall have helped me in the past so I thought I would let yall do it again. My question is how do I make my white's white again? I am using clorox but...


I HATE Linty Toilet Paper!!!! Who's with Me?!?

R.J. asks from Seattle

Aieee! Hate. Hate. Hate. Seriously. Who designs the stuff? A misogynist for sure! ((My mum tossed me a package the other day -Costco-, I thought "Awesome!...


Need Second Opinion(s) =)

J.T. asks from Grand Rapids

I am due with my 2nd in a couple of weeks and this baby decided not to cooperate at the ultrasound, so I have no idea if it is a boy or a girl. Being the planner tha...


Just Found Out I'm Pregnant Again

K.H. asks from Naples

I guess I should be jumping for joy but I'm very nervous... My daughter is turning 1 on April 5 and I just took a pregnancy test today and it's positive. No we we...


19 Month Old - Rash on Face

R.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 19 month old son has had a rash on his face for about 6 weeks now. We've tried Mustela face wash, Aquafor, and even a fungal creme when our pediatrican thought it...


Jff-what Else Have You Used Your Breastmilk For?

P.N. asks from Denver

So, out of curiosity, and to see if it actually worked, I have been putting my breastmilk (and nothing else) on a cold sore I got Sunday. Haven't had one in 15 years ...


My Almost 4 Year Old Is Mean to Himself When He Gets Angry.

M.O. asks from Detroit

I need some input on my son's behavior latley. My son is going to be 4 in April, he has always been a little on the short fused side. I have a family daycare busine...

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Answer Highlights

  • too short for cheap toilet paper in 2 answers ""Life is too short for cheap toilet paper." -- my mom I wholeheartedly agree with ..."
  • linty toilet paper in 4 answers "I can't even remember what linty toilet paper is like."
  • think it is very gender neutral in 2 answers "I think it is very gender neutral! Congratulations and good luck with baby #2 ..."
  • absorbed into the skin in 2 answers "... on the top of the skin and acts as a barrier but is not absorbed into the skin ..."
  • use oxy clean in 2 answers "We had the same problem, but ours was with white towels. We use Oxy Clean in our wash ..."