a break away

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Results 31-40 from 33,202 articles

Break Out Problem

J.S. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello moms!! or moms to be!! I was wondering if anyone knew...well let me tell you my problem first. This is kind of embrassing...but I break out on my boobs alot...m...


Spring Break

A.S. asks from Dallas

Hey ladies! My husband and I are wanting to take our kids on a little trip this spring break. We want to go somewhere close, and fun for the kids. We are thinking a...


Spring Break

M.D. asks from Chicago

Hi- Can anyone reccomend a mini spring break for a family!! I'm looking to take my 2 girls(ages 8 and 6), husband and myself somewhere maybe within 6 hours or les...


How to Break a Death of a Close Family Member to My Daughter

N.P. asks from Portland

A close family member of my family just died yesterday. :( I need to break this to my daughter but she was really close to the person how should I break it to her? ( ...


Friendship to Break or Not to Break

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

I do not usually post questions but wanted to get some Mommy Feedback on a friendship/relationship I have. A family moved across the street 3 years ago; relocating he...


Need to Break 4 Y/o Son of Thumbsucking

G.H. asks from Wichita

Any suggestions on how to help my 4 year old son break his habit of thumb-sucking??


How Do I Break the Swaddling?

S.K. asks from Denver

My son is about 4 months old, he is big around 18 pounds. Swaddling has been part of our routine since he was 4 weeks old. I have used the Swaddle Me blankets and the...


Sprain or Break??

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

So i have never broke a bone or sprained anything before so im not sure what i did. I tripped over the dog last night and rolled my ankle. I hear a cracking sound but...


Break Out Face

S.B. asks from Springfield

Hello Ladies I was just wondering what kind of face products you would recommend?? I have had such bad skin since my son was born and it breaks out and gets irrita...


How Do You Break the News???

B.J. asks from Spartanburg

I was just wondering if any of you moms could tell me the easiest way to let my husband know I want to separate.I know it's not going to be a good situation. Thanks!...

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Answer Highlights

  • even a hairline fracture in 2 answers "If it was broken, even a hairline fracture, you'd know it."
  • ace bandage in 3 answers "Wrap it in an ace bandage and even though it's not swollen, keep it elevated and ice ..."
  • used the miracle blanket in 2 answers "I also used the Miracle Blanket because it was the only one he wouldn't wiggle out ..."
  • there is no easy way in 2 answers "I have gone through two divorces... there is no easy way... just say what you feel ..."
  • nursing him back to sleep in 2 answers "I totally agree with the other posters about nursing him back to sleep, too."