a boy and his horse

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Organic Vs. Non: Doc Is Concerned....

T.W. asks from Fort Collins

I took my son to the doctor yesterday for his 1 year well baby check. When I look at my son I see a healthy happy baby but my doctor is concerned because for his wei...


JFF... What Kinds of Pets Do You Have?

R.D. asks from Richmond

We have a dog and 2 fish [eye roll @ the fish]... I'd love another dog but our house is too small.... one day... in the meantime I'm thinking of getting a snake or a ...


JFF- YIKES!! Change the Station!

R.J. asks from Seattle

Okay... lets start the sexually explicit song list. Love the song, hate the song... those songs you just do NOT want your elementary schooler bursting into song with ...


Second Baby Shower - Appropriate?

K.B. asks from Spartanburg

My son is 2 years old and we are expecting our second boy in May. Because my husband and I are planners (aka, packrats), we kept everything from Hudson's infancy on. ...


Hmm... MIL Issues & What to Do?

A.H. asks from Detroit

Okay, My MIL has always been the issue of my marriage. I love my husband, but it is a situation where if anything, I could leave over his family and I think he know...


Looking for Ideas to Help My Son GAIN Weight.

N. asks from Dallas

In today's never ending battle of the bulge, my son, who is 8 1/2 struggles with the other end of the spectrum. I need to help him gain weight. He is 48 inches tall ...


Horseback Riding for a Preschooler?

K.S. asks from New York

My 4YO son had the opportunity to "try" a riding lesson for free this weekend. He's an extremely active, non-napper - teachers "love to hate" my son - he asks a mill...


4 Year Old Daughter Pretending to Be Animals

N.B. asks from Saginaw

So, my 4 year old daughter has a VERY active imagination, which I think is wonderful! I do not want to hinder it in any way. My daughter will pretend to be a dog ...


When Your Little Kids Sing Along to a Catchy Song They Don't Know Is Obscene...

J.B. asks from Boston

...do you say anything? The song that I'm talking about is Whistle by Flo Rida. My little guys are 6 & 8 and they must have heard it on the radio when they weren't wi...


Secondary Infertility and Progesterone Problems?

J.B. asks from Minneapolis

I have secondary infertility. I have not had any tests done yet, so I don't know what is causing it. However, from the 2 early m/c that I have had most people are say...

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Answer Highlights

  • karate or martial arts in 2 answers "If you want to teach him self-control, how about karate or martial arts, instead?"
  • by george michael in 2 answers "I Want Your Sex" by George Michael."
  • high calorie foods in 2 answers "I tried giving him high calorie foods that he liked and it turned out he is just not ..."
  • no idea what it means in 2 answers "My 9 and 11 year old girls like that song, and have no idea what it means."
  • bearded dragon in 2 answers "We have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 bearded dragon and 2 donkeys."