With my first pregnancy (girl!) I was so sick even before I found out I was pregnant, so it lasted from about 4weeks to 11 weeks, 24/7, and was so severe that some da...
I just recently found out I was pregnant, I feel tired and nauseous all the time like I have a mild case of the flu. Mornings are the worst, I never throw up but its ...
Hi-- this is very hard for me and I know some of you (if not most) out there understand what I am going through. I had my 10 week ultrasound this past Saturday where...
I am just about 10 weeks pregnant. I met with my midwife and I am measuring further along than my dates, which can be an error in dates or twins. I know f...
I was wondering if I could get some feedback from moms who have had false negative pregnancy tests. Is it true that this can happen? I am two days late, would love ...
I am concerned I have been insensitive with my sister-in-law's feeling and I am unsure how to confront her. This has been a difficult year for her, she has miscarrie...
After two miscarriages in one year, I decided to seek help from a fertility specialist. I have undergone just about every blood test out there, as well as an HSG. M...
I am 38 weeks pregnant and this last week I have developed an EXTREME craving for McDonalds Oreo McFlurry's. On tues I mentioned this to my husband as he was getting...
I took a home test on July 5 and it was positive. On July 18th I started spotting nothing really heavy, (like a light period) went in on Monday for a u/s, my doctor t...
For those of you who have followed my story lately, I ended up miscarrying on the 17th. I was only 5 weeks and 2 days. I'm really upset and my husband is devastated. ...