My granddaughter is about 2 weeks old. She is waking up EVERY 2 hours on the the 2 hours. I have not done this in a LONG time. My daughter wants to give her rice cer...
When my daughter was first born she wasn't gaining any weight so the pediatrician had me feeding her every a hour and a half to two hours. Now she is 3 1/2 months ol...
I would like to know if other mothers who delivered via c-section have experienced these feelings. What I origionally wanted was a natural birth. Not only did my doc...
Hello! I realize this isn't the most pleasant of topics, but wondering if there are any of you who've had a newborn with something deemed "uncoordinated pooping". W...
I have only been back to work for 3 weeks now, but I cannot tell if I like the daycare that we are sending our son to. He is breastfed and I am pumping while at work...
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the "off brands" of formula. I have a 1 month old son and I started him on Enfamil Lipil w/Iron.... and while on my...
hi all! my daughter is 9 1/2 months and i'm in the process of eliminating breastfeeding and switching to formula. she used to nurse 3 times/day, eat 3 meals/day, an...
Hello everyone,
My daughter is about to be 9 months and wakes once a night, anytime between 1 and 5, and plays. I go in to nurse her, she eats, I put her back in t...
Hello. I am a new mom.
My 6-week old constantly eats. I feed him 3.5 ounces every 1.5 to 2 hours. I cannot deal with the stress this is putting on me emotionally....