16 month old sleep problem

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16 Month Old Sleep Issues?

A.C. asks from Washington DC

I put a question mark because I'm not even sure if there's an issue. Just wanted to get feedback. My daughter is down to one nap for about 2 hours, maybe. She does...


My 16 Month Old Will Not Sleep....

L.D. asks from New York

Hi, My son is 16 months old and has always (from the day he was born), had trouble sleeping. In the beginning he would sleep 3-4 hours, then wake to be feed. It wa...


Help! My 16 Month Old Grinds Her Teeth!

V.O. asks from San Antonio

What in the world can I do about this? I constantly hear her grinding her teeth and she's only 16 months old! Everytime I hear her I just squeeze her cheeks to make...


Do I Have a Problem?

M.R. asks from Philadelphia

I've always been overprotective of my only daughter. Someone told me I was being too uptight, so I just loosened up. But now I feel like I've loosened up too much. I'...


My 16 Month Old Daughter Is Not Even Close to Being Ready to Quit Breastfeeding!

J.H. asks from Minneapolis

I guess I am only seeking experiences others have had on this topic. I nursed my first child until she was about 13 months, she quit gradually on her own. Now my 16 m...


Want to Stop Breastfeeding My 16 Month Old Daughter!

D.O. asks from Indianapolis

I have a wonderful 16 month old little girl. The problem is that I want to stop nursing her. She is at daycare all day and doesn't nurse or get breast milk. When she ...


Sleep Problem

J.B. asks from Boston

Hello, My son has been getting up at 4:50- 5:00 AM!!! He still takes an AM nap from about 9-10 and a PM nap from about 2-3:30. We put him to bed between 7:15-7:45....


How Do You Handle a 16 Month Old Climber?

L.D. asks from St. Louis

My very active 16 months old son has started climbing out of his crib during naps. He is fine at bedtime so far. I am afraid he is going to get hurt. People tell m...


Need Advice on Possible "Nightmare Stage" with 16 Month Old

I.M. asks from Panama City

My 16 month old son for the past 2 nights has awakened crying after a few hours of sleep. He isn't just crying, but seems either very uncomfortable (teething is also...


16 Month Old and Potty Training

S.R. asks from Chicago

ok so my son is 16 months old he has shown multiple signs that he is ready to start potty training and his dr. told me to start since hes showing signs that he can do...

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Answer Highlights

  • too far in the other direction in 2 answers "... to loosen up, but that now you think you've gone too far in the other direction."
  • makes good choices in 2 answers "... good choices so you go back to making them for her until she makes good choices ..."
  • cold turkey in 5 answers "I didn't have help to quit nursing so I decided to go cold turkey."
  • want to quit nursing in 2 answers "Do you really want to quit nursing all together or just the nightime feedings?"
  • agree with colleen in 2 answers "I heartily agree with Colleen F's suggestion (and others) about Dr."