My 3year old daughter has Eczema on the top of her hands. Some days are worse than others. Right now I'm using regular fragrance free hand creams. I'm afr...
Are there any natural treatments for patch of eczema on the eyelid and back of neck on an adult? What about over-the-counter remedies that work? Thanks, Mamas!
I had amnios done when I was pregnant with my last 2 kids and both have an inverted chromosome 9. We were told that this chromosome anomaly is clinically insignifican...
I'm now 8 1/2 months pregnant and I have quite a bit of shopping to do. Was looking for opinions on bottles, breast pumps, strollers, and anything else that I may nee...
Does anyone have a good suggestion for a lotion or oil for itching skin? I itch every where and its really bad at the end of the day. Im 36 weeks so not too much long...
This may be a strange question, but I was wondering what skin care products work for you other moms with nice skin. I can't keep my complexion looking nice no matter ...
I am almost 30, and still fighting break outs. I have tried everything under the sun. My face is very oily and tends to be dry. Does anyone know of a good face was...
Anyone has any ideas or products that work well for acne? I had a lot of skin trouble after my first child and ended up having to spend a fortune to see a dermatolog...
My Granddaughter has rough bumps on her face and the back of her arms. Description: red bumps and some have whiteheads, feels like sand paper. The doctor says nothi...
My 24 month old daughter was diagnosed with ezcema about 9 months ago. She gets a rash on her face, which doesn't itch her at all. Her rear end and head itch her pr...