I need your expert advice again.
I had an emergency C-section with my son- his heart rate dropped and I ended up with an emergency C-section and my epidural did not...
I really want to try for a VBAC with number 2. What did you decide and how did it go? What complications did you encounter? What feelings did you have that were di...
I had a scheduled c-section with my first child about 4 years ago. My dr. at the time recommended it because my son was measuring big at the last sonogram and he gav...
Hello everyone,
I am pregnant with my second child and facing a dilemma. My first child was born via C-section due to her being in the breech position. I have be...
I am having my second child and I am considering a VBAC. I am undecided because of the safety concerns and because I don't want to get my hopes up again if I a...
I am due with my 2nd child in July. My daughter was delivered via C-Section after 8 hours of labor due to her heart-rate dropping. It has been 3 1/2 years since tha...
Just wanting to know if I should attempt a vbac on my second try (not pregnant yet). I fully labored (over 24 hours) and pushed for two hours. I am still traumitize...
Two years ago I ended up having a last minute c-section with my daughter due to multiple factors- they said she was going to be 10 pounds and they'd have to break her...
This was a little longer than expected*
I had planned on atending birthing classes with my husband, and he too planned on being by my side and supporting me throug...
My wife delivered our 2nd son two days' ago. Our first was a C-section - she didn't dilate enough even after laboring for 8 hours. We were keen on VBAC & went for a d...