You are not alone. I changed provides at 30 weeks. I had a successful VBAC at Highland Hospital with the Strong Midwifery group that you were talking about. I highly recommend Highland, as they have the most successful VBACs in our area. I was also very pleased with the midwifery group. I was 1 week, 6 days late with my son and not pressured to move him along. They told me when he was due that I could discuss being induced at a later visit and schedule it for the 42 week mark incase he didn't come by then. We were in the hospital a day and a half before the scheduled induction and he was born on the day I would have been induced! (LOOONG labor, which often happens after a c-section when scar tissue can hinder your uterus from strong, regular contractions.)
The main reason I would recommend the Strong Midwifery Group is one of them is guarenteed to be in there with you in 24 hour shifts. You could make plans with your own OB and express your wishes, but more often than not in any other practice your doctor will not be the one on call when you go into labor. That's what happened with my first son. He was a c-section because the doctor on call probably wanted to make extra money that day... He was worried about my son's heart rate, which ended up being fine and was also something my own doctor had been monitoring. Once he broke my water, he said the heart rate was fine, but he pushed us for a c-section anyway. By that point I was so emotional and couldn't think clearly, so I agreed. I decided I didn't want to take the chance ending up with a doctor who didn't know me and didn't respect my wishes. At Strong Midwifery Group they really do support whatever decisions you decide to make.