With my first child I had a perineal tear that was a third (almost fourth) degree laceration. I also had placenta accreta (my placenta had an abnormally deep attachme...
I've been seeing the same pediatrician since my first child was born. While I love her for lots of things, we have never agreed on breastfeeding. Both of my daughte...
My daughter (3yrs now) has had issues with severe constipation since she was 10 months old. At 10 months she tore her rectum trying to pass a bowel movement. At the...
Well lets see...I have a 14 month old son! He is the light of my life. I am wanting to plan my second child as i do not want my kids to be to far apart in age. I had ...
I love MamaSource, but sometimes I wish it was set up so the questions posted could be more of a forum. I'm concerned about an aspect of the soiled underwear issue t...
Im simply floored by the number of responders who were horrified at a 7yo boy getting a routine examination of his genitals (instead of a blown off quick glance w no ...
Hello all, I'll try to make this make sense. My 6-year-old daughter has had issues since she was 2. It started w/blood in her urine almost constantly. We did all s...
On New Year's Day (Thurs) Kaylyn woke up with a horrible rash covering her abdomen and thighs. There were also spots on her chest, arms and armpits. We took her to th...
i am 19 years old i am 6 going into my 7 month of pregnancy i havee been fighting with medicaid and they finally gave me an apt. but it isnt till the 27 of october ,n...
Any moms out there using diaperless elimination control (EC aka Natural Infant Hygiene)? I've been doing a lot of reading on this subject, but I want some advice fro...