Themes: Tween

Results 31-40 from 76 articles

Husband Issue

E.G. asks from Daytona Beach

My husband has not changed his world since we had our little girl 4 months ago. Even though he can be a big help he still does the things he used to do before we had...


HELP!!! Child Sneaking Food What Can I Do??

J.L. asks from Reno

I have a 12 year old child, who by no means is starved(3 meals a day, and at least 1 snack, sometimes-most times she has second when its dinner time.) She is out grow...


Day Care Provider and TV

C.T. asks from Sacramento

Our 3 month old daughter recently started day care with a lovely lady with great recommendations who looks after just one other child so ours gets lots of attention a...


Should I Have Given Fair Warning?

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 11-year old is a dawdler. When we are going to do something or leave the house she takes FOREVER to get ready, usually because she's moving slow and goofing around...


Setting up a Household Schedule

H.D. asks from Minneapolis

Hi! I'm a new mom to 3 through international adoption. Son is 10, daughter is 8 and youngest daughter is 3. Wonderful beautiful children! We've been home with the...


Cheap and Easy Goody Bag Ideas

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, My son's 1st birthday party is in 2 weeks and I am looking for ideas for cheap and easy goody bag ideas. We will have about 15 kids ranging in age from 1 to...


I Kicking My Now 9-Year Old Daughter Out of the "Nest"

E.G. asks from Atlanta

I have a newly nine-year old daughter who is absolutely terrified of growing up. The responsibilities of getting older and what would be expected of her are just ter...


My 2 Year Old Son Hates Bathtime! What to Do?

D.M. asks from Denver

My 2 year old used to just hate to have his hair washed, but loved the bath and playing in it. Now when it's time for his bath he goes nuts - runs away, cries and sc...


Goody Bags

S.S. asks from Chicago

When do you stop with the goody bags after a birthday party?? My daughter is having her 10th birthday party at a pizza place and is inviting 12 girls (yikes!) and I ...


Birthday Party Goodie Bags

K.A. asks from Huntsville

Is it just me or have these birthday party goodie bags taken the spotlight off the birthday kid and caused our children to expect to GET something all the time-even w...