We have a travel system for our little one but he will soon outgrow the car seat and the stroller is pretty heavy. The stroller is good ans sturdy to take him...
I have one of those all in one stroller which is bulky and a pain. I have been looking at jogging strollers and all terain strollers...my son is 16 months old and tra...
Good evening ladies. Have a stroller question. Will be babysitting my granddaughter starting the end of Sept. She will be almost
four months. I do have a snap ca...
Hi, I'm due in April and I'm trying to figure out what to buy. My biggest concern is a stroller. Currently we are in Germany, so I would like a stroller that is dur...
I am pregnant and due in late October. I have a 16 month old toddler. We are looking for a stroller for both babies. I would like to have something that allows them...
I am going to be a first time mom and I need advise stroller recommendations. I wanted the travel combo but heard the stroller is heavy and not good for in and out o...
Dear Ladies,
I am in desperate need for advice on buying the right stroller. My daughter arrived early and we were not ready, I was in the hospital and my husban...
I am in need of a double stroller - any ideas of where to find one for cheap? Or if anyone is selling one. Let me know - we can't afford $200 for a stroller due to on...
I have a 20 month old daughter and am due in August with our second. I want to get a double stroller that is a regular stroller for my DD, but also a travel ...