Stages & Milestones: Infant, Arms Reach

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87 answers

First Time Mom of 1 Week Old Baby Boy!

Help!!! I'm 40yrs old, first time mom of a (one week old) Baby Boy. Please, I need advise from all of the wonderful moms that have gone through the same thing of having a baby at my age. I'm still confused about: How many min./hours a new born usually sleeps during the day/night? How often to breastfeed and for how long? Is it okay to give some formula (at least once) at night so mommy can get some rest? Is it okay to let him sleep 3hrs or more during the day without breastfeeding? Also, I'm having a hard time staying awake at night...

Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

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29 answers

Entertining Toddler While Nursing Infant

Hello everyone! I have a 19-month-old daughter and just had another beautiful baby girl 2 weeks ago. So far my husband and I have been able to balance the needs of both girls well, but he will be going back to work later this week and I am very nervous to be alone with two little ones! My main concern is how to keep my older daughter entertained and out of trouble while I nurse the baby. The doctor said I need to nurse her every two hours because she wasn't gaining enough weight and that only leaves one to one and a half hours between...