Stages & Milestones: Infant, The First Years

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27 answers

When Do You Actually Refer to Age in Years?

So I'm at Target with my daughter today and I run into a friend. Her sister is in town along with her son and the three of them were looking at toys. My friend's nephew was darling. I asked her sister "how old is he?" Her response? "Forty two months." Really? Really???? Geez, he's three and a half. I understand that there may be medical or theraputic reasons to refer to a child's age in months, but for the sake of a simple conversation, was this really necessary? At what age do you refer to your child in years and not...

Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

See all 550 articles
18 answers

Solid Food Advice

Hi, I am a mom to twin 6 month olds and we have just begun solid foods after being exclusively breastfed. My son is a champ and loves anything I give him, however I am having problems with my daughter. She cries and screams anytime I try to feed her solid foods, basically just refusing to eat; then when I pick her up she roots and roots to be nursed because she is hungry. The Dr. told me to make sure to feed her real food but it's just been a battle. Has this happened to anyone? Can you tell me how to get her to eat and not rely on...


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...


See all 1,114 articles
12 answers

18Mth Old Won't Speak When Asked

Hi am the mom of a fantastic 18mth old boy.He enjoy's playing with the other kids but the clearest words in his vocabulary are daddy,mum,no and yes.I have heard him saying other words like his aunt's name but if you ask him to do it again he mumbles the word,instead of saying it out like daddy. Is this normal for his age?He understands well and does as he is told, it's just that speaking seems to a problem to me.I fear he will not be able to get out of that stage six diaper because he doesn't speak clear or doesn't want to please help me am...

Language Skills

See all 19 articles
48 answers

Kindergarten - September 1 Cutoff Date

I have a 4 year-old girl turning 5 next September 11. According to all the information I have read on line, the cutoff date for CPS is September 1, which means she would not get to go to kindergarten until she was almost 6. Emotionally she is not ready at 4, but I think by next year she will be fine. She has gone to daycare since 3 months so is used to being away from home for the day. As far as academically, she knows all her numbers and letters, can write 3 and 4 letter words on her own and has started to read the short words as well....


See all 18 articles
19 answers

Preemie Scooting Around in Crib

my baby is about 36 weeks gestational. last night i found him to have scooted out of his swaddled blanket and scooted to the edge of the crib. of course there is no bumper around the crib but is there ANY way to help prevent him from moving all around in his crib??? help!

Self Feeding

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18 answers

Bottle Feeding an Infant

Does anyone have any suggestions about getting an infant to take a bottle? My husband and I have been working with our newborn (twelve weeks old) for about 8 weeks now and she still won't take a bottle. She is a super light eater to begin with. She only nurses for a total of 9 or 10 minutes despite trying all sorts of things. We are trying to get her on a bottle so we can monitor the amount she's getting (we'd like her to gain more weight). My husband has tried switching bottles, feeding her while she's sleepy, changing positions while...


Feeding My Baby

because of my allergies a doctor advised me to solely breastfeed longer then...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...

Self Feeding & Finger Foods

See all 1,785 articles
18 answers

Bottle Feeding an Infant

Does anyone have any suggestions about getting an infant to take a bottle? My husband and I have been working with our newborn (twelve weeks old) for about 8 weeks now and she still won't take a bottle. She is a super light eater to begin with. She only nurses for a total of 9 or 10 minutes despite trying all sorts of things. We are trying to get her on a bottle so we can monitor the amount she's getting (we'd like her to gain more weight). My husband has tried switching bottles, feeding her while she's sleepy, changing positions while...


Feeding My Baby

because of my allergies a doctor advised me to solely breastfeed longer then...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...

Talking & First Words

See all 1,912 articles
19 answers

Child Not Talking

My son is now 16 months old and is not talking yet. He says a few words, like mommy and daddy and bubba for his baby brother, but that is it. I was just wondering is there something i should be doing to help him along. we do activities throughout the day and work on his letters and numbers, but he isn't really focused yet. my mom and grandmother are constantly on me about him not talking. They say he should be talking already. Its just hard when your family is constantly telling you how to raise your child. If anyone has any ideas on what...


Learning to Talk

i am wondering if my daughter is behind? she barley talks, she only says a...


Talking over Me.

I have a good friend and I have to say she has been my rock over the past...


See all 402 articles
37 answers

Help with Teething

Hey moms, need a little help here. My 5 month old has started teething I believe. She drools, puts everything in her mouth, and for the past 3 days has had a temperature from 99.7 to 100.9. I give her Tylenol, but sometimes it does not help. How long does this last. She is not a fussy baby at all. She only cries if I don't get her her bottle quick enough and after her shots. Right now though she is crying all the time. Sometimes I can't put her down and the normal things that sooth her are not working. I guess my question is how do...


4 Month Old Teething

Hello, My four Month old daughter seems to be teething, all she wants to do...


Is She Teething?

Good morning, I think my five month old might be teething. She is...


Is He Teething??

My son is 3 1/2 months old and keeps knawing on his thumb and fist. He is...

Tummy Time

See all 491 articles
34 answers

What About Tummy Sleeping?

My daughter is 3 months old, and thus far, she's been sleeping swaddled on her back during the night. She wakes herself up when she sleeps unswaddled, but up until about a week ago, as long as I swaddled her, she'd sleep for about 4 hours, wake to nurse, then sleep another 3. In the last week or two, however, she's been waking up about every 2 hours and fighting against the swaddling, but when I don't swaddle her, she wakes herself up! At her sitter's (which will change on Monday when she starts a new daycare due to other issues), the...


No Tummy Time

My girls are 4 mo and I cant get them to do any tummy time.They were born at...