Sports: Toddler, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 119 articles

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath, What to Do?

T.J. asks from New York

I am posting this everywhere I can so I can get as many answers as I can before I lose internet again! If you've seen this before, I apologize. Here is my dilemma: ...


Good Birthday Present for a 7 Year Old Girl?

J.E. asks from Sacramento

My neice will be 7 this weekend. She is a very imaginative little girl - likes to play pretend and dress up. She is a girly girl for sure - not really into outdoors...


What to Do??

C.K. asks from York

Hello, I am looking for some ideas for fun at home activites to do with a 19 mth old. I can't spend much money but I will be off for 12 weeks on maternity leave and ...


Child Is Always Getting Hit/pushed in Preschool

Z.A. asks from Raleigh

My son is 4 years old and started going to preschool. Everyday he comes home crying and says that a child has either pushed or hit him in school. He is neither provok...


Help! Need to Know How to Control 6Yr Old Boy!!!

W.W. asks from Indianapolis

Calling out for help! My 6 year old boy is in first grade. He is doing very well with math, reading, etc. It’s his behavior in class. He won’t stop pay at...


Looking for Gift Ideas!!

J.S. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone! Rather than asking 2 separate questions, I'm just going to combine it into one!! I'm looking for gift ideas and suggestions for 2 different occasions: ...


Goody Bags

L.V. asks from Albuquerque

Hi all! I'm trying to think of some great, unique alternatives to the standard goody bags that are passed out at birthday parties. My son is turning 5 - there rea...


If You've Ever Hosted Thanksgiving, I Need Help!

C.P. asks from Houston

Hello ladies!! I will be hosting Thanksgiving this year, and we've done it before, but now we have a 2 year old and I want to make it fun for her and her cousins. We...


Winter Comes

A.S. asks from New York

once the fun of being outdoorsy in Summer is gone, thoughts of cabin fever seem almost inevitable. How do you keep your kids entertained during the snowy winter months?


Time for the "Housewife"

S.B. asks from Denver

Okay, I was the one asking about getting an almost 4 year old to bed and stay there. So, with moving bedtime to 8 pm, she gets up when I do at 6, and naps will be re...