Sleep Problems: Huggies

Results 1-10 from 246 articles

Huggies Vs. Huggies Supreme

A.C. asks from Sacramento

I am having a diaper dilemma! My son is over 2 now, and he's been wearing the regular Huggies diapers since he was a baby. I have always liked them, but lately the ...


Huggies Overnights....

T.S. asks from Lexington

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone here has used the Huggies Overnights, and if so did they REALLY work??? My son is 5 mos old and cant make it 4 or 5 hours in a ...


Sleeping Through the Night and Diaper Changes

E.H. asks from San Francisco

My 12 week old daughter suddenly went from sleeping from 8/9 pm to 12 am and every 2 hours thereafter religeously to sleeping from 8 pm to 6 am a couple of weeks ago....


Sleeping Through the Night!!!!! Is It Possible???

K.C. asks from Austin

My 7 minth old is STILL waking up in the night at least midnight-ish and around 3:30 - 4:00am right around the time i get home from work... his tummy is gru...


Sleeping Position

M.C. asks from Philadelphia

My 8 month old daughter has always been an amazing sleeper. Ever since she could roll over she's been sleeping on her belly. Then she decided she likes to sleep on ...


Sleeping Through the Night

T.L. asks from St. Louis

My daughter just turned 1 and does not sleep throught the night YET!!! She wakes up at least 2 times a night and I have her on a pretty regular cycle of dinner, bath...


Diaper Problems

J.H. asks from St. Louis

My 1 year old son weighs about 24 pounds and has had a problem with keeping the poop inside his diaper at night for a long time now. (I believe he actually poops some...


Belly-sleeping 14-Month-old Always Waking up with Wet Pajamas!

D.P. asks from Los Angeles

I know I'm blessed that my wonderful DS generally sleeps through the night -- from about 8-ish to 7:30-ish. But when he does, he always wakes up with the front of his...


Pee Problems....

S.H. asks from Tampa

My son is 8 months old. Everysince he was born I have to change his sheets every morning cause he pees thur his clothes. I can change his diaper at 3 in the morning...


Very Active Toddler Not Sleeping at Night

C.B. asks from Dallas

I have a son who will be 2 1/2 next month. Let me first say he has never been a good sleeper or napper. The past few weeks he has been getting up frequently in the ...