My little girl started using the potty on her own about 6 months ago. We always leave a potty handy and she just decided to try using it on her own. She has been doin...
My grandson is potty trained with the potty part. But the other part,is not going so well. He continues to have his BM's in his pants, or pull-up.
My daughter has tr...
Hello, I've never asked a question although I've responded to a few. My son will be 3 in Nov. A little background info: I started to potty train him quite a while ag...
Hi Moms,
This is my second time potty training and I remember my daughter doing parts of this but I can't remember it being so challenging.
My son came home at...
My son turned three in June and has been going pee in the potty for about six months. Now we are trying to get him to poo in the potty. He typically wears undies all ...
I have an alomost 3 year old who was completely potty trained at 2 and a half. He is now wetting the bed at night and sometimes during the day has accidents at the p...
I am a stay at home mom/military wife who needs new ideas on potty training my 3 1/2 yr old son. He has been using the potty to "P" since he was 2, he will even stan...
We started potty-training our daughter about a month ago. She turned two in May and has been showing interest for a while. She is at home with me during the day and...
My Son is 3 and 1/2. He goes #1 in the potty very well. However, when it comes to a BM, he refuses to go. Well he has had a total of 3 BM's in the potty over the l...
My daughter is 3 ½ as of December and still not potty trained, AT ALL! I’ve been trying off and on to get her to go for a year. I feel like I’ve tried EVERYTHIN...