Now that Christmas is over I'm wondering if my daughter has too many toys? Her dad seems to think she has too much. Overall I completely restocked her toys. I got rid...
My little girl is 5 years old. She started kindergarten last August and she has been sick everyday since. No exaggeration the only time when she was healthy was Chris...
I've noticed that my 4 1/2 year old has been doing strange things lately because he's constantly bored. For a long time, he's tried out speaking in accents, taking o...
I am very loving w/my daughter. She is my world. Of course I have moments where I get frustrated with her or whatever and she gets in trouble. Or I may speak a little...
My son has always been more attached to me than his older sister, but he recently started screaming and clinging to me when I leave him at preschool (3 days a week) a...
I'm considering putting my 2 and a half year old son in a Montessori preschool in the fall, however it is pricey (about $4000 a year) and was wondering if anyone has ...
So I am just looking for some reassurance and suggestions on how you would handle this situation. It caught me off guard, and I am just flipping mad about it. Sorry...
My situation is I'm sure not much different that a lot of SAHM's. Situation 1: My husband works full time during the day, and either comes home for a brief 20 minut...
First off, the purpose of my question is to get feedback from SAHMs and not start the working/SAH fight. I always worked 2 days/week when my 2 boys (a year apart) we...
My daughter turned 5 in May and we are going to start homeschooling her for kindergarten next week. I am a tad worried about how to start because she does not know he...