I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old baby, but I'm definitely not pumping out as much as he consumes when I'm at work. He drinks 5 to 6 oz from a bottle every 3 to 4 hou...
It seems like my baby is starving, but when I nurse him, he doesn't seem to get full. Even when I try to pump, I don't get very much. I was wondering if there are a...
I am looking for some suggestions on OTC items or remedies to help my 7 year old's runny nose. It seems like he has had a runny nose for years. I have asked his docto...
My first child I didn't breastfeed, the second I am trying and I seemed to slow down pace. I figured it was easier to pump and give her the milk, (maybe that is where...
My daughter just turned 7 years old this past week. She had her physical yesterday and shes weighing in at 61lbs and is 47 inches tall. The ped said she is gaining fa...
Ok i have a question for you nursing mama's. I nursed my 7 year old until she was 2 1/2. I have not nursed her for 4 1/2 years but I am still producing milk. Is this ...
I am 26 weeks right now. While I was not intending to breastfeed, due to financial reasons and pressure I have decided to. The thing is that I have very mixed feeling...
I plan on nursing my new baby whose due in December. My son will be 8 years old. I nursed him until he was almost 2. My son knows that I nursed him and understands ho...
So I started exclusively pumping when my son was 5 weeks old. He is 7 months now and I have a HUGE freezer full of stored milk. So, after much thought, I have recen...
I had my daughter 5 weeks early by c-section over two weeks ago and my milk still hasn't come in. My daughter is still in the NICU and I have been trying to pump as m...