I have never had such itchy skin before and I dont know what to do. I have tried 4 different lotions and none of them are working. My skin(legs especially) is so it...
My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his breakouts under control. The doctors are not so helpful on what is causing it (basically say...
Hello everyone, I am looking for ANY suggestions you may have on treating eczema on my 7.5 month baby boy. He is currently on Protopic and it is very expensive, not ...
Recently, my skin has been SO itchy. It is mostly my legs; however my arms, back, feet, and neck itch sometimes too. The itchiness is unbearable! At night, I must ...
I have a one year old son with severe eczema, He was diagonosed at the age of 3 month. His doctor has prescribed everything from creams to benadryl for the itching. I...
Both my kids, son-8 and daughter-2, have extremely dry skin. I've taken them to the dermatologist and was told to use Eucerin. Well that hasn't really help. My son's ...
I have just begun reading Gorgeously Green and was APPALLED over the label-reading I have done on the baby products in my home. I can't believe my beloved Cetaphil c...
Okay so Rylin had a very slight fever about 4 days ago,and she wouldnt eat. In the middle of the night,she woke up throwing up. She was throwing up for about 2 days,p...
My daughter (3) has bumps on her arms. They are mostly on the backs of her upper arms but she's starting to get them all over and they are geting worse. They don't ...
My poor two week old has baby acne all over his checks and forhead. Is there any way to help speed up the healing process or prevent more from coming? Any advice wou...