My son has never been one to bite and we have never had a problem before. Lately tho he is biting just about everything. He bit me HARD yesterday. I am pretty sure i...
My daughter went to the dentist and they took x-rays of her mouth. The xray thing cut her mouth right where the cheek meets the bottom of the gums pretty good. It loo...
Any good advice? He crys incessantly about every other night from pain. I have tried frozen washcloths, Tylenol, vibrating chew toys and freezer teethers. I (perso...
My daughter is 14 months old and has a TERRIBLE time with teething. I have tried everything.....teethers, motrin, ice, wet cloths, teething tablets, oragel...... J...
My 18 month old daughter has had teeth for about 10 months and I noticed today that some of them are starting to yellow. I have been brushing her teeth once a day bef...
My son is now 4 months old and today he cried for 2 hours straight. I tried giving him milicon, which didn't work. I tried feeding him, changing him, taking him out...
So my daughter is a biter and I don't know what to do about it! Last week she bit another baby at daycare 3 times in a row! I have tried time out and making sure sh...
We have been directly affected by Hurricane Ike (3.5ft.of water in our house), & we can't live there. We have been living w/ my parents for about a month. My baby i...
UGH!!! I had the kids out playing in the sprinkler yesterday. My 2 year old had on a swim diaper and a swim shirt (the kind with short sleeves). When I took it off ...
I'm still in shock from this afternoon's pediatric dentist visit. The dentist recommended $6,000 in "treatment" for both boys combined, stating that both have multip...