No Cry Sleep Solution: Aveeno

Results 21-30 from 45 articles

Help!! My 3 Year Old Has BED HEAD!!

J.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I am looking for any moms that have had success with de-tangling your little girls hair. Her's is always getting knotted up and she HATES to have her hair brushed. A...


Daughter Gets Really Nasty Tangles in Hair

K.S. asks from Tampa

Hello moms! My 8 year old gets really bad tangles in her hair. I am looking for a really good detangler for her and was wondering what others might use? Also, do y...


Diaper Rash

J. asks from Dallas

My daughter just got this horrible rash on her "area" and we haven't been able to get rid of it. Its just red on the outside and was red on her bottom but that has cl...


Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...


2 Year Old Still on the Bottle

S.M. asks from Sacramento

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get my 2 year old off of the bottle? He is still on formula as well, we are trying to get him on other foods but he has a v...


Bad Yeast Infections

V.S. asks from Oklahoma City

My 15 mo. old baby has had bad rashes since she was 3 mo. old the Dr told me she gets yeast infections often. I mean she really cant go a week without getting all red...


Severe Ezema & Croupe Cough

N.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hello! My son has severe ezema, and croupe caugh he has had both since he was a few days old. He was diagnosed with the ezema at 8 days old, we have moved to a cool...


Dealing with Eczema

R.R. asks from Dallas

I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a tough time with the itchy, dry skin that eczema causes. There are times when it seems that...


5 Month Old with Cradle Cap

K.W. asks from Youngstown

My 5 month old has cradle cap pretty badly. It started when he was around two months old. His doctor said to apply baby oil once daily, let it sit for 15 minutes, t...


18 Month Old with Painful (Burning?) Poops - Not Constipated

K.S. asks from San Francisco

I have an 18-month old son who for the past week has been screaming every time he poops. He's not constipated and doesn't have trouble passing the stool (they are sof...