Natural & Homemade Cleaners: Infant, Aveeno

Results 21-30 from 121 articles

REALLY Bad Diaper Rash After Taking Amoxicillan

L.N. asks from Dallas

My DD of 5 1/2 months has a relly bad rash that seems to be painful when she goes number 1 or number 2. I have been using Aveeno and that has worked well in the past ...


Child with Ezcema Help

N.I. asks from Daytona Beach

Hi everyone, so my 3 1/2 year old boy, has bad ezcema, been about 1 1/2 months that he had bad rash in his skin, different parts of his body, finally i was able to ta...


Tests on Son Shows No Common Allergies, So Why....

S.N. asks from Dallas

My 2 1/2 - year old son suffers from episodes of eczema and what seems to be constant congestion. We recently had him tested for common allergies (food, indoor and o...



S.B. asks from Minneapolis

My 21 month old daughter started to develop eczema about 4-5 months ago. At first it was a light amount here and there and whenever I'd put a cream on it at night it ...


What Things, Places, People Do You Think Is/are Underrated?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

With a nod to Christine....what about underrated things in your life. Things, people, places you couldn't do without? I'll start: Panera Blueberry bagels and Hon...


4 Mo Old Baby Has Eczema - Need Tips Please

K.R. asks from Goldsboro

my baby boy just got the official news that he has eczema. its horrible see him so uncomfortable and in pain and itchy. its spreading so fast. we just got t...


Hives from HIB Vaccine

R.A. asks from Portland

Okay so I dont know which one of these is the culprit. My son had a HIB vaccine on Thursday, on Friday I noticed what looks like Hives. I am fairly certain as I looke...


Looking for Pthalate Free Baby Wash and Lotions!

T.H. asks from Los Angeles

There are a lot of products out there that are "natural" or "organic." Many of these products don't say if they are pthalate free or not. I want some products that de...


My 4 Year Old Daughter Has a Rash on Her Bottom. Please Help

J.S. asks from San Antonio

Ok I am new to this but need help! My family moved to Texas just over a year ago and my daughter is having a lot of problems with allergies and skin problems. We ar...


Eczema in 8 Month Old

I.P. asks from Columbus

We found out my son had eczema when he was 7 weeks old hes now 8 months old and its not getting better.I have tried everything his doctor has told me to do(i only use...