Underrated (in my opinion):
Thank you notes. They aren't fashionable anymore, some would argue they are unnecessary, but I'll tell you, I so appreciate the time someone takes to thank me when I've done something for them. My parents drove for nearly four hours to see us this weekend, you bet I'll send them a note.
The local video store. I could not do without it. Until they close, Netflix will not get my business. I love walking in (it's actually a museum too) and finding something new.
A simpler life. This is probably the core of my life at this point in time.
Other loves (material goods): coffee, tea, good novels, my Perry Mason dvd sets, old-school jazz on a rainy day, my Keen shoes, good raincoat, comfy houseslippers, seaweed snacks and rice crackers.
My son's preschool teachers and their program: he is thriving and I couldn't be happier.
I love the woman who cuts my hair, even if she 'tsk tsks' me for not seeing her as often as I should.
And hugs from my guy and my kiddo.